News & Insights


AMCHAM Business Summit

Climate action is both a challenge and an opportunity for Africa - for example the use of carbon credits to lower the costs of products, the latent potential of our vast renewable energy resources etc. What will it take to see more African entrepreneurs taking advantage of the opportunities in climate action to build businesses and create jobs?


GCV at NY Climate Week 2023, New York USA

Climeworks, a global leader in carbon dioxide removal (CDR) via direct air capture (DAC) technology, and Great Carbon Valley (GCV), a pioneering Kenyan systems integrator and project development venture focused on decarbonization


GCV at Carbfix Mineralization Summit, Iceland

The summit brings together a global community of leading experts, policymakers, industry pioneers, academics, and climate advocates to discuss the status and potential of subsurface mineralization and the outlook for scaling this approach globally to combat climate change.


GCV at Africa Climate Summit 2023, Nairobi Kenya

H.E Professor Yemi Osinbajo, former Vice President of Nigeria, Global advisor, The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) insights on leadership and climate action during the Climate Action & Leadership in Africa; Ideas, Shifts & Realities session, moderated by Bilha Ndirangu, CEO Great Carbon Valley and Co-founder Jacob's Ladder Africa at the Africa Climate Summit


Envisioning African CDR Innovation with Bilha Ndirangu, Great Carbon Valley

In this episode of Carbon Removal Africa host and OpenAir member Oriola Odutoye (Nigeria) sits down with Bilha Ndirangu, CEO of Great Carbon Valley (GCV), to discuss the company's turn-key development model for CDR in East Africa. Bilha shares an overview of GCV's mission, progress and goals, and the two discuss the broader subject of Africa's potential global leadership position in the CDR space and the unique advantages that the continent brings to the table.


James Mwangi, Climeworks Direct Air Capture Summit 2023

CDR is not just a topic relevant to North America and Europe's most-developed economies and major forces. We are now on the verge of true globalization of carbon removals - as a topic and via project deployment. Beyond geographies, climate restoration has an essential role to play as part of systemic change and climate justice, across hybrid, nature and technological solutions. Sitting in a country like Kenya, this is what the opportunities and challenges look like.


Africa's Great Carbon Valley - and How to End Energy Poverty

Our lives depend on curbing climate change, but so many priorities seem to be in competition. What's the most urgent thing humanity can do right now? Africa Climate Ventures CEO James Irungu Mwangi shares more about why Africa could be the ideal home for scaling the latest and most ambitious climate technologies - including in places like Kenya's Hell's Gate National Park, which could become part of what he calls the Great Carbon Valley.


Ready to get started!

We are seeking partners equally passionate about the ambitious mission to accelerate global decarbonization through carbon dioxide removals and green industrial solutions.

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